数据库代写|DB 代写

University of East Anglia 东英吉利大学

CMP-4010B Database Systems

Background Story

You are programming a robot that helps hospital staff in carrying out some oftheir duties. The robot is required to visit the patient rooms and check whetherthe patient is present. If that is the case, the robot must ask the patient if theyhave taken their assigned medication. At the end of the visits, the robot reportsto the doctor which patients were not in the room, and which did not take theirmedication.Important NoteEvery implementation point described below is associated a number of marks. Inprevious years, we noticed that students frequently try to farm partial marks by writingsome amount of code for every section, even though none of it can even be executed.This is not the way to develop any complex system, and we intend to disincentivise it.For the reason described above, if a node implementing a piece of functionality doesnot execute, at most half the marks for that ROS node can be awarded. Marks arerounded up. Therefore, if an item is worth 5 marks, the most that a non-executablecode can get is 3.By non-executable, we mean that the code immediately terminates with an error dueto syntactic issues in the file, or wrong import statements. Runtime exceptions or bugsthat do not happen in the early stages of the execution will not be considered as non-executable, and therefore will not incur the penalty.Initialization• Create a package called "resit_coursework". Remember to maintain thecorrect dependencies in package.xml and CMakeLists.txt during development

Specification Overview


To implement part of a database application by first completing the database table 

definitions, then writing interactive SQL statements. 

Coursework Description

See Attached at Page 4.

Relationship to Formative Assessment

All SQL Labs build towards this exercise, with each lab helping you to perform 

Transactions of Interest that contribute to building this solution. Labs include 

expected query results so you can ensure you get correct answers and perform a 

form of self-assessment.

Summary of Deliverables

Part 1: A copy of your SQL data definition statements and test data should be 

produced and submitted electronically.

Part 2: Your SQL statements for each of the Transactions of Interest should be 

produced and submitted electronically together with evidence of testing for each 

statement on your own data and assessment data. There will be two documents –

one with your own data and one with the assessment data using the assessment 

template. The Assessment Template file issued nearer the submission time (48 hours
prior to  submission deadline). 


The necessary materials are in the lecture notes/lab materials. Links to relevant 

PosgreSQL help pages are in the lecture slides. Recommended books in reading list 

are also useful.

Assessment criteria 

• Good use of SQL data definition language to complete the table definitions;

• Good use of SQL data manipulation language to write interactive queries; 

• Ability to interpret project specification correctly and accurately. This may 

include a little bit of independent thinking on what may make a table/report 

look good;

• Correct functionality and output as required by each requirement; 

• Neatly presented work with correct program output in the assessment 

template; Sufficiency and completeness of Submitted code and tests data. 

Plagiarism, Collusion, and Contract Cheating

The University takes academic integrity very seriously. You must not commit 

plagiarism, collusion, or contract cheating in your submitted work. Our Policy on 

Plagiarism, Collusion, and Contract Cheating explains:

• what is meant by the terms ‘plagiarism’, ‘collusion’, and ‘contract cheating’

• how to avoid plagiarism, collusion, and contract cheating

• using a proof reader

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