Monash 代写|IT 代写


FIT5225 Cloud Computing and Security

1 Synopsis

This assignment aims to build a AWS-based online system that allows users to store and retrieve images based on auto-generated and manual tags. The focus of this project is to design a serverless application that enables clients to upload their images to public cloud storage. Upon image upload, the application automatically tags the image with the objects detected in it, such as person, car, etc. Later on, users can also modify and add new tags to the images. They can also query images based on the objects present in them. To achieve this, the application provides users with a list of image URLs (or tumbnails) that include the specific queried objects.

2 Group Assignment

To prepare students to experience software development as a team, this assignment is designed as a group project. Students will be placed into software teams of up to four members to work on implementing the system described above. In this assignment, students need to organize their team and their collective involvement.

There is no designated team leader, but teams may decide to establish processes for agreeing on work distribution. Understanding the dependencies between individual e↵orts and their successful integration is crucial to the success of the work and for software engineering projects in general. If teams encounter any “issues”, they should inform the teaching team as soon as possible, and help will be provided to resolve them. The due date for this assignment is firm, and there is no ‘special consideration’ for granting an extension. If a team member fails to complete their work, other team members should handle their tasks and report this to the teaching team as soon as possible. We will evaluate individual involvement in the project, and if a team member fails to satisfy their tasks within the team, they may be penalized heavily, regardless of the project’s success.

3 Assignment Description

Teams should develop an AWS-based solution that leverages services such as S3, Lambda, API Gateway, and database services (e.g., DynamoDB) to build a system for automated object detection tagging and query handling. The teams should produce a solution that enables end-users to upload their images into an S3 bucket. Upon uploading an image to a designated S3 bucket, a lambda function is automatically triggered, which uses the Yolo object detection feature to identify the objects in the image and stores the list of detected objects along with the image’s S3 URL in a database. Furthermore, the end-user should be able to submit queries to an API endpoint using API Gateway to search for tagged images (more details to come). Table 1 provides a glossary of terms used in the assignment description.

4 Final Reports

You should write an individual and team report on the developed application. You should use a highly-legible font type such as: Arial, Helvetica, and Times New Roman with font size 12 points.

4.1 Team Report - 750 words

Please prepare a team report based on the following guidelines:

• Include an architecture diagram in the team report. For the architecture diagram, you must use AWS Architecture Icons (more info can be found here: icons/).

• Include a table to describe the role of each team member in your team report, You can provide a three-column table in your report that shows student name and id, percentage of contribution and elements of the project the member contributed (maximum of 100 words per member).

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